• No bugs fixed but finally "cured" and compiled with a 2.0 version number.
2.0b4 - Released 2/17/92
• Fixed bug that would cause aliases to AppleScript scripts to not be resolved.
2.0b1,b2,b3 - Released 2/10/92
• Completely changed frontend. It is no longer an application. It is now a really cool color 3D Control Panel.
• Changed some of the terminology of the program.
• Added another sound (Marimba) to the auditory notification choices.
• Added support for my own custom AppleEvents as well as AppleScript support.
• Now allow you to launch and quit the app at will via the Control Panel. It will launch always at startup unless you remove it from your Extensions folder, however.
• You can open the "Folder Watcher Aliases" folder in the Finder by clicking a button in the Control Panel. This saves having to dig through the System folder and Preferences folder just to create some new aliases.
• Control panel contains full help balloons.
1.0b2 - Released 6/26/92
• Changed the name of the log file from "Folder Watcher Log" to "! Folder Watcher Log !" so it sorts to the top of a View by Name list in the Finder.
• Found problem with CE Toolbox, it wasn't CE Toolbox! Folder Watcher was crashing when it would try to resolve an alias to a System 7 File Sharing server that wasn't mounted. This has been fixed. If a server volume is not mounted, Folder Watcher effectively ignores it.
• Fixed bug when you quit Folder Watcher it would check the folders "one last time" before exiting.
• Created Folder Watcher Config and added it to the Folder Watcher package. You can now edit the preferences! All Preferences work except "Launch Folder Watcher."